We Passed Our ISO 27001 With No Findings!

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We Passed Our ISO 27001 With No Findings!

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it consultancy

For Intrasource, achieving ISO 27001 certification is not just a box to tick off. It is a testament to our dedication to delivering secure, reliable, and compliant services to our clients. By adhering to international standards, it demonstrates our commitment to protecting sensitive information and maintaining the highest level of security.

ISO/IEC 27001 is used by organisations of all sizes and in multiple industries to protect their sensitive information and demonstrate their commitment to information security.

What are the benefits of gaining ISO 27001 as an MSP?

ISO 27001 certification provides a structured approach to information security that not only ensures the protection of sensitive data but also brings about operational efficiencies and cost reductions.

Here are a few of the benefits of gaining ISO 27001 certification:

ISO 27001

1) Credibility and Trust

  • As an MSP, attaining ISO 27001 certification bolsters credibility in the marketplace. Clients and stakeholders see this as evidence of a serious commitment to maintaining high levels of information security.
  • The global recognition of ISO 27001 can also differentiate an MSP from competitors, potentially attracting more business and fostering trust among existing clients.

2) Enhanced Risk Management

  • ISO 27001’s framework guides the systematic identification, assessment, and management of information security risks, which is crucial in the MSP sector given the critical nature of the services provided.
  • This proactive approach to risk management can prevent or mitigate the impact of security incidents, thereby ensuring the continuous availability and integrity of services.

3) Operational Excellence

  • Implementing an Information Security Management System (ISMS) as per ISO 27001 standards can lead to streamlined and optimised operations, creating a more structured and disciplined operational environment.
  • Continuous improvement is a key aspect of ISO 27001, which helps in refining processes over time to stay resilient against evolving threats.

4) Regulatory Compliance

  • Achieving ISO 27001 can ease the compliance burden as it aligns with many legal, contractual, and regulatory requirements around data protection and privacy.
  • This is particularly beneficial in the MSP space where clients often have stringent compliance needs.

5) Competitive Advantage

  • In tenders or competitive scenarios, having ISO 27001 certification can provide a significant advantage, as it demonstrates a verified level of security management, which can be a deciding factor for potential clients.
  • It can also open doors to markets or industries where certification is a prerequisite for service providers.

6) Cost Efficiency

  • By reducing the likelihood and impact of security incidents through a well-implemented ISMS, there’s potential for cost savings and avoidance of reputational damage.
  • Furthermore, the structured approach of ISO 27001 can lead to operational efficiencies, potentially reducing the costs of managing information security.

7) Improved Communication

  • The certification fosters better communication of information security policies and procedures within the organisation and with clients.
  • It also cultivates a culture of security awareness, which is crucial for maintaining a high level of service integrity and client satisfaction.

By prioritising information security and obtaining ISO 27001 certification, we can stay ahead of the ever-evolving threat landscape and provide our clients with the peace of mind they deserve.

Navigating the Security Landscape: Your ISO 27001 FAQs Answered

In the modern digital landscape, information security is not a luxury but a necessity. One widely recognised standard in this domain is ISO/IEC 27001, which provides a framework for establishing, implementing, operating, monitoring, reviewing, maintaining, and improving an Information Security Management System (ISMS). 

Here are some of the frequently asked questions about ISO 27001 to help you better understand its significance and benefits, particularly when entrusting your IT needs to a Managed Service Provider (MSP).

Q1: What is ISO 27001 and why is it important? 

A1: ISO 27001 is an international standard for information security management. It is crucial as it helps organisations manage and protect their information assets by identifying and mitigating security risks. By adhering to this standard, organisations can assure stakeholders and customers that their data is handled securely, and legal compliance is maintained.

Q2: Who can get certified in ISO 27001? 

A2: Any organisation, regardless of its size or the sector it operates in, can achieve ISO 27001 certification. The standard is designed to be applicable to a wide range of organisations, from small businesses to large enterprises, across various industries.

Q3: What are the key benefits of achieving ISO 27001 certification? 

A3: Some key benefits include enhanced data security, improved customer and stakeholder confidence, compliance with legal and contractual requirements, operational improvement, and a competitive advantage in the marketplace.

Q4: How does ISO 27001 relate to other standards like ISO 9001? 

A4: While ISO 27001 focuses on information security management, ISO 9001 is centred on quality management. Both standards share a common principle of continual improvement and can be integrated to form a comprehensive management system covering both quality and security aspects.

Q5: What is involved in the ISO 27001 certification process? 

A5: The certification process involves a two-stage audit performed by an accredited certification body. The first stage assesses the readiness of the organisation, while the second stage is a full assessment of the ISMS against the standard’s requirements. Successful completion of both stages results in certification.

Q6: How long does it take to achieve ISO 27001 certification? 

A6: The time required can vary significantly depending on the size and complexity of the organisation, but typically, it might take between 6 to 12 months. It also depends on the level of existing information security practices in place.

Q7: What are the costs associated with achieving ISO 27001 certification? 

A7: Costs can include consultancy fees, the certification audit fee, staff training, and potentially, investments in technology to meet the standard’s requirements. The total cost will vary based on the organisation’s size, complexity, and current state of information security management.

Q8: How often is ISO 27001 certification renewed? 

A8: Certification is valid for three years, with surveillance audits conducted annually to ensure ongoing compliance. At the end of the three-year period, a re-certification audit is required.

Q9: Why is it important for an MSP to be ISO 27001 certified if I am outsourcing my business’s IT support and security? 

A9: An ISO 27001 certified MSP demonstrates a strong commitment to information security. It assures you that the MSP has robust processes in place to manage and protect your data. This certification also indicates that the MSP is equipped to handle security incidents effectively, ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of your information.

Q10: How does an ISO 27001 certified MSP enhance the trustworthiness and reliability of the services provided? 

A10: ISO 27001 certification is a globally recognised standard, which when achieved by your MSP, provides a level of trust and confidence in their services. It shows that they adhere to best practices in information security and are committed to continuous improvement, ensuring that their services remain reliable and secure as threats evolve.

Q11: What kind of assurance does ISO 27001 certification provide regarding legal and regulatory compliance? 

A11: With ISO 27001 certification, an MSP shows its commitment to compliance with legal, regulatory, and contractual requirements regarding data protection and privacy. This assurance is crucial for businesses operating in highly regulated industries or regions with stringent data protection laws.

Q12: How can partnering with an ISO 27001 certified MSP potentially reduce the risks associated with outsourcing IT functions? 

A12: Partnering with an ISO 27001 certified MSP minimises the risks associated with data breaches and other security incidents as they have a well-defined ISMS in place. This systematic approach to managing sensitive company information means that they are better prepared to prevent, detect, and respond to various security threats, thus reducing the associated risks.

Q13: Can an ISO 27001 certified MSP provide a competitive advantage for my business? 

A13: Yes, working with an ISO 27001 certified MSP can provide a competitive advantage. It not only demonstrates to your stakeholders and customers that you take data security seriously, but also ensures that your IT operations are managed by a provider with a proven and audited framework for information security, potentially leading to enhanced operational efficiency and reduced risk.


ISO 27001 is a robust framework for managing information security and is pivotal for organisations aiming to safeguard their data assets in a structured and recognised manner. Whether managing your IT in-house or outsourcing to an MSP, ensuring adherence to ISO 27001 standards is a proactive step towards bolstering an organisation’s security posture and fostering a culture of continuous improvement in information security management.


it consultancy

For Intrasource, achieving ISO 27001 certification is not just a box to tick off. It is a testament to our dedication to delivering secure, reliable, and compliant services to our clients. By adhering to international standards, it demonstrates our commitment to protecting sensitive information and maintaining the highest level of security.

ISO/IEC 27001 is used by organisations of all sizes and in multiple industries to protect their sensitive information and demonstrate their commitment to information security.

What are the benefits of gaining ISO 27001 as an MSP?

ISO 27001 certification provides a structured approach to information security that not only ensures the protection of sensitive data but also brings about operational efficiencies and cost reductions.

Here are a few of the benefits of gaining ISO 27001 certification:

ISO 27001

1) Credibility and Trust

  • As an MSP, attaining ISO 27001 certification bolsters credibility in the marketplace. Clients and stakeholders see this as evidence of a serious commitment to maintaining high levels of information security.
  • The global recognition of ISO 27001 can also differentiate an MSP from competitors, potentially attracting more business and fostering trust among existing clients.

2) Enhanced Risk Management

  • ISO 27001’s framework guides the systematic identification, assessment, and management of information security risks, which is crucial in the MSP sector given the critical nature of the services provided.
  • This proactive approach to risk management can prevent or mitigate the impact of security incidents, thereby ensuring the continuous availability and integrity of services.

3) Operational Excellence

  • Implementing an Information Security Management System (ISMS) as per ISO 27001 standards can lead to streamlined and optimised operations, creating a more structured and disciplined operational environment.
  • Continuous improvement is a key aspect of ISO 27001, which helps in refining processes over time to stay resilient against evolving threats.

4) Regulatory Compliance

  • Achieving ISO 27001 can ease the compliance burden as it aligns with many legal, contractual, and regulatory requirements around data protection and privacy.
  • This is particularly beneficial in the MSP space where clients often have stringent compliance needs.

5) Competitive Advantage

  • In tenders or competitive scenarios, having ISO 27001 certification can provide a significant advantage, as it demonstrates a verified level of security management, which can be a deciding factor for potential clients.
  • It can also open doors to markets or industries where certification is a prerequisite for service providers.

6) Cost Efficiency

  • By reducing the likelihood and impact of security incidents through a well-implemented ISMS, there’s potential for cost savings and avoidance of reputational damage.
  • Furthermore, the structured approach of ISO 27001 can lead to operational efficiencies, potentially reducing the costs of managing information security.

7) Improved Communication

  • The certification fosters better communication of information security policies and procedures within the organisation and with clients.
  • It also cultivates a culture of security awareness, which is crucial for maintaining a high level of service integrity and client satisfaction.

By prioritising information security and obtaining ISO 27001 certification, we can stay ahead of the ever-evolving threat landscape and provide our clients with the peace of mind they deserve.

Navigating the Security Landscape: Your ISO 27001 FAQs Answered

In the modern digital landscape, information security is not a luxury but a necessity. One widely recognised standard in this domain is ISO/IEC 27001, which provides a framework for establishing, implementing, operating, monitoring, reviewing, maintaining, and improving an Information Security Management System (ISMS). 

Here are some of the frequently asked questions about ISO 27001 to help you better understand its significance and benefits, particularly when entrusting your IT needs to a Managed Service Provider (MSP).

Q1: What is ISO 27001 and why is it important? 

A1: ISO 27001 is an international standard for information security management. It is crucial as it helps organisations manage and protect their information assets by identifying and mitigating security risks. By adhering to this standard, organisations can assure stakeholders and customers that their data is handled securely, and legal compliance is maintained.

Q2: Who can get certified in ISO 27001? 

A2: Any organisation, regardless of its size or the sector it operates in, can achieve ISO 27001 certification. The standard is designed to be applicable to a wide range of organisations, from small businesses to large enterprises, across various industries.

Q3: What are the key benefits of achieving ISO 27001 certification? 

A3: Some key benefits include enhanced data security, improved customer and stakeholder confidence, compliance with legal and contractual requirements, operational improvement, and a competitive advantage in the marketplace.

Q4: How does ISO 27001 relate to other standards like ISO 9001? 

A4: While ISO 27001 focuses on information security management, ISO 9001 is centred on quality management. Both standards share a common principle of continual improvement and can be integrated to form a comprehensive management system covering both quality and security aspects.

Q5: What is involved in the ISO 27001 certification process? 

A5: The certification process involves a two-stage audit performed by an accredited certification body. The first stage assesses the readiness of the organisation, while the second stage is a full assessment of the ISMS against the standard’s requirements. Successful completion of both stages results in certification.

Q6: How long does it take to achieve ISO 27001 certification? 

A6: The time required can vary significantly depending on the size and complexity of the organisation, but typically, it might take between 6 to 12 months. It also depends on the level of existing information security practices in place.

Q7: What are the costs associated with achieving ISO 27001 certification? 

A7: Costs can include consultancy fees, the certification audit fee, staff training, and potentially, investments in technology to meet the standard’s requirements. The total cost will vary based on the organisation’s size, complexity, and current state of information security management.

Q8: How often is ISO 27001 certification renewed? 

A8: Certification is valid for three years, with surveillance audits conducted annually to ensure ongoing compliance. At the end of the three-year period, a re-certification audit is required.

Q9: Why is it important for an MSP to be ISO 27001 certified if I am outsourcing my business’s IT support and security? 

A9: An ISO 27001 certified MSP demonstrates a strong commitment to information security. It assures you that the MSP has robust processes in place to manage and protect your data. This certification also indicates that the MSP is equipped to handle security incidents effectively, ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of your information.

Q10: How does an ISO 27001 certified MSP enhance the trustworthiness and reliability of the services provided? 

A10: ISO 27001 certification is a globally recognised standard, which when achieved by your MSP, provides a level of trust and confidence in their services. It shows that they adhere to best practices in information security and are committed to continuous improvement, ensuring that their services remain reliable and secure as threats evolve.

Q11: What kind of assurance does ISO 27001 certification provide regarding legal and regulatory compliance? 

A11: With ISO 27001 certification, an MSP shows its commitment to compliance with legal, regulatory, and contractual requirements regarding data protection and privacy. This assurance is crucial for businesses operating in highly regulated industries or regions with stringent data protection laws.

Q12: How can partnering with an ISO 27001 certified MSP potentially reduce the risks associated with outsourcing IT functions? 

A12: Partnering with an ISO 27001 certified MSP minimises the risks associated with data breaches and other security incidents as they have a well-defined ISMS in place. This systematic approach to managing sensitive company information means that they are better prepared to prevent, detect, and respond to various security threats, thus reducing the associated risks.

Q13: Can an ISO 27001 certified MSP provide a competitive advantage for my business? 

A13: Yes, working with an ISO 27001 certified MSP can provide a competitive advantage. It not only demonstrates to your stakeholders and customers that you take data security seriously, but also ensures that your IT operations are managed by a provider with a proven and audited framework for information security, potentially leading to enhanced operational efficiency and reduced risk.


ISO 27001 is a robust framework for managing information security and is pivotal for organisations aiming to safeguard their data assets in a structured and recognised manner. Whether managing your IT in-house or outsourcing to an MSP, ensuring adherence to ISO 27001 standards is a proactive step towards bolstering an organisation’s security posture and fostering a culture of continuous improvement in information security management.

