Facilitate Remote Working with Virtual Desktops

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Facilitate Remote Working with Virtual Desktops

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virtual desktop

Remote working has become increasingly popular in recent years, especially thanks to the growth and optimisation of virtual desktops. Right now, with many people having to work from home during the coronavirus pandemic, there’s never been a better time to roll out hosted desktops to all staff across your business.

Your desktop is wherever you need it

The nature of a hosted desktop is that team members can access everything they need to complete tasks from anywhere in the world. This means that despite working from home, they can log in to their individual work desktops and immediately access all of the files, software applications and emails that they’re used to when based in the office.

Even their individual icons, settings and desktop wallpaper will load regardless of where they’re working, allowing a smooth transition to home working without causing any confusion or disruption.

Enhanced security as standard

Due to each virtual desktop being hosted by Intrasource, you can rest assured that they come with state-of-the-art security and regular back-ups. Our servers are fully protected against malware and hackers, encrypted for data protection and security compliance, and regularly scanned for any potential weak spots. This means that problems are nipped in the bud and prevented before they even present themselves, guaranteeing that the highest level of security is consistently delivered across your entire network.

We also offer exceptional technical support, so if you or a member of staff ever need any help or advice, we’re never more than a phone call or an email away.

Save on costs

Due to staff working from home via hosted desktops, your business will save money in multiple ways. From energy bills and software licenses to prolonging the lifecycle of the equipment that you keep on your premises, you’ll be surprised by how much remote working can improve your cash flow through ongoing financial savings.

Increase productivity

Many business owners worry that levels of output will drop if staff are allowed to work from home. However, the opposite is actually the case, as recent research shows that productivity can rise by 20% when employees are given the tools they need for remote working. This is because there are in fact fewer distractions and clearer boundaries at home than there are in many busy workplaces. When combined with the mental health benefits of working in your own space, this results in staff delivering some of their very best work.

Access 24/7/365

Whilst your team members will most likely work set hours, chances are that they sometimes have their business head on whilst away from the office as well. Commonplace examples are sending emails during a commute, conducting research whilst on lunch, making video calls on an evening, and perhaps even writing down ideas in the middle of the night before they’re forgotten.

With hosted desktops, your staff have access to their full software suite whenever they need it, which greatly supports natural workflow and ensures that they have a range of digital tools at their fingertips.

Find out more

To further explore ways in which Intrasource can enable your company to embrace the power of remote working, get in touch on 01482 628800 or use our contact form and let us know how we can help.

virtual desktop

Remote working has become increasingly popular in recent years, especially thanks to the growth and optimisation of virtual desktops. Right now, with many people having to work from home during the coronavirus pandemic, there’s never been a better time to roll out hosted desktops to all staff across your business.

Your desktop is wherever you need it

The nature of a hosted desktop is that team members can access everything they need to complete tasks from anywhere in the world. This means that despite working from home, they can log in to their individual work desktops and immediately access all of the files, software applications and emails that they’re used to when based in the office.

Even their individual icons, settings and desktop wallpaper will load regardless of where they’re working, allowing a smooth transition to home working without causing any confusion or disruption.

Enhanced security as standard

Due to each virtual desktop being hosted by Intrasource, you can rest assured that they come with state-of-the-art security and regular back-ups. Our servers are fully protected against malware and hackers, encrypted for data protection and security compliance, and regularly scanned for any potential weak spots. This means that problems are nipped in the bud and prevented before they even present themselves, guaranteeing that the highest level of security is consistently delivered across your entire network.

We also offer exceptional technical support, so if you or a member of staff ever need any help or advice, we’re never more than a phone call or an email away.

Save on costs

Due to staff working from home via hosted desktops, your business will save money in multiple ways. From energy bills and software licenses to prolonging the lifecycle of the equipment that you keep on your premises, you’ll be surprised by how much remote working can improve your cash flow through ongoing financial savings.

Increase productivity

Many business owners worry that levels of output will drop if staff are allowed to work from home. However, the opposite is actually the case, as recent research shows that productivity can rise by 20% when employees are given the tools they need for remote working. This is because there are in fact fewer distractions and clearer boundaries at home than there are in many busy workplaces. When combined with the mental health benefits of working in your own space, this results in staff delivering some of their very best work.

Access 24/7/365

Whilst your team members will most likely work set hours, chances are that they sometimes have their business head on whilst away from the office as well. Commonplace examples are sending emails during a commute, conducting research whilst on lunch, making video calls on an evening, and perhaps even writing down ideas in the middle of the night before they’re forgotten.

With hosted desktops, your staff have access to their full software suite whenever they need it, which greatly supports natural workflow and ensures that they have a range of digital tools at their fingertips.

Find out more

To further explore ways in which Intrasource can enable your company to embrace the power of remote working, get in touch on 01482 628800 or use our contact form and let us know how we can help.
